List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(1); list.add(2); Collections.reverse(list); //list: [2,1]
List contains
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List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>(); //add element ans.add(1); ans.add(2); boolean result = ans.contains(1); // true
List Shallow clone
For the reference data type, the copy is its reference, and a new object is not created, that is, no new memory space is allocated. Such a copy is called a shallow copy.
Shallow copy of list A to list B is to directly copy the content of A to B,so A and B point to the same address. The consequence is that changing B will also change A, because changing B is changing the content of the address pointed to by B.
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//origin list List<Integer> origin = new ArrayList<>();
//-------2. constructor method List<Integer> destination = new ArrayList<>(origin);
//------3. list.addAll() method List<Integer> destination = new ArrayList<>(); destination.addAll(origin);
List deep clone
Deep copy is to copy A to B at the same time, create a new address for B, and then transfer the content of address A to address B. The contents of ListA and ListB are the same, but because they point to different addresses, the changes will not affect each other.